Cents Ability

Become Our Partner

Cents Ability is always interested in building community relationships with sites across the New York City area.  We are willing to work with any site that serves teens to provide our services at a time and location that is convenient for your students. Our curriculum is delivered by our trained volunteers via PowerPoint slides. We are able to adapt our curriculum to reach teens as young as 8th grade and as mature as college freshmen. All workshops are delivered free of charge to the sites and students.

Our workshops are taught by trained volunteers, who are usually young professionals from various industries including financial services, accounting, law, and education. Each workshop contains 4-8 of our 45 minute modules. We typically maintain 2 volunteer teachers per session for the duration of the workshop.


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Please complete the contact form below to request more information about partnering with Cents Ability.



Seeing the reaction of students when they realize the importance of certain financial facts of life, like credit card debt, student loans, the need to budget and not to go bankrupt

I learned about retirement plans and I was surprised that starting early is more important than the amount I can put in